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11 Months Ago
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Sofi’s A Superwoman: Campus Manager, Apparel Chair, and More!

“I’m always gonna try to outdo myself.” Talk about a powerhouse queen!
Eunice Villanueva
Fresh Prints
11 Months Ago
5 min read
370 Readers
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College can feel crazy most days, especially when you’re part of a fraternity or sorority. 

Even when there are guides on how to balance college and Greek life, sometimes you can’t help but doubt those articles because they don’t seem to be realistic. Do their authors even know what college really is like now!?

This time, we’re switching it up. Instead of telling you how to survive college and Greek life, we let one of our awesome Campus Managers showcase how she manages college, being an apparel chair of a women’s fraternity, and a CM. All while not sacrificing her academic performance!

Meet Sofi Melgarejo: our second-highest performing CM in 2023 and the former apparel chair of Zeta Tau Alpha (Alpha Xi Chapter)!

Sofi the Superwoman

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Sofi is a student at Indiana University - Bloomington, pursuing a double degree: a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Cinema and Media Studies. She’s also the president of the Legal Studies Club and an intern at the Goldman Sachs under their Media Relations team. A brainy queen indeed!

And, as we mentioned earlier, she was the apparel chair at Zeta Tau Alpha. She made sure that her chapter always had the cutest merch for all of their events. If you think about how many Greek events happen in just one school year, that’s a lot of prep for her.

Sofi also joined our Fresh Prints Campus Managers roster last March 2023. Under her Business Development Manager Dylan, she broke TWO semester sales records!

Record-Breaker Queen

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Fun fact: The client she broke the record with was Delta Phi Epsilon!

You heard us right: Sofi broke two-semester sales records in just her first semester as a Campus Manager!

How did she feel about this achievement, though?

When we sat down and talked to her after breaking the record for the first time, Sofi said that she was super excited about surpassing that goal. While most people were still taking baby steps at a new job (like I did), she was on her way to leaping to success!

Here’s what she did to achieve it: 

Even if her client’s order didn’t need to be delivered until January 1st, she convinced them to place their orders before winter break. When she tracked the orders, Sofi realized she was about to break the record of $220,000. With a little extra pushing, that goal was officially reached, with her even going $5,000 over it!

Sofi’s School Survival Guide

Sofi’s mantra is always to push herself and never just settle for the bare minimum. She juggled a double degree, her first year as a CM, her internship, and her term as apparel chair all in one year with determination, discipline, and insane time management skills.

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Figure out your commitments

When she started as an apparel chair, the first thing she did was to map out all the events for the sem, along with photo inspo and product ideas. By knowing which events are happening when, she could plot the rest of her schedule. This ensured she had enough time for academics, internship, and CM duties!

Block everything out

Sofi also said that she has her schedule planned down to the last second. I mean, we think she’s exaggerating a bit, but who knows? But, by designating time for each task separately, she could pace herself and get everything done before the deadline.

Our Campus Managers also learn this and are required to block out their scheds. We can all love ourselves by not overworking or cramming! Who needs that kind of stress?

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Stay organized!

Apart from managing your time, Sofi also emphasized that organization is the key to balancing everything out. Staying on top of your timelines will only be effective if you know where your stuff is so you aren’t wasting time looking for them. So don’t save your paper for the class as asdfghjkl.docx

Work towards something

Lastly, set goals. When you have something you want to work towards (like breaking the sales record in Sofi’s case), you’ll know what to do to achieve it. Your goals can keep you motivated against burnout, fatigue, laziness, procrastination, and not being able to wake up on time for your first class!

A superwoman who’s bound to succeed in her career after college—that’s who Sofi is! Which Campus Manager should we feature next?